French 2

Bonjour classe, 


This school year, I will post my standards, weekly agendas, assignments on Schoology.  You may access Schoology via CLEVER.  If you need further assistance, please email me. 


What should I do if I am in quarantine or absent?

If you are absent, please log on to Schoology and check the daily agenda.  If applicable, please copy the notes in your notebook, turn in assignments (via Schoology, Vista Higher Learning....).  Please try your best to keep up with missing assignments.  Failure to make up daily work may result in a zero (if a grade is taken).  I update Skyward on a weekly basis.  If you have any questions or concerns, please email me.  

Bonjour classe, 


This school year, I will post my standards, weekly agendas, assignments on Schoology.  You may access Schoology via CLEVER.  If you need further assistance, please email me. 


What should I do if I am in quarantine or absent?

If you are absent, please log on to Schoology and check the daily agenda.  If applicable, please copy the notes in your notebook, turn in assignments (via Schoology, Vista Higher Learning....).  Please try your best to keep up with missing assignments.  Failure to make up daily work may result in a zero (if a grade is taken).  I update Skyward on a weekly basis.  If you have any questions or concerns, please email me.  

 **You can access the online textbook via clever.  Click on the app- Vista Higher Learning.  Click on content- V-text- then you will be able to change the page numbers.  


When can I make up a quiz/test that I missed?

It is your responsibility to reschedule/make up a quiz/test that you have missed.  RCS policy will apply.  If you have missed more than 1 week of school please email me and I will work with you.  It is your responsibility to request a PI pass.  Failure to make up a quiz/test will result in a zero until the assessment is made up.


Will there be LIVE ZOOM Meetings?

At this time, there will only be a LIVE ZOOM if your teacher is in quarantine and teleworking from home.  It will livestream to students who are in the classroom with a sub.  


Platforms you need to know:
Schoology- Agendas/activities/Projects/Assessments/Turn in assignments (view and turn in assignments)
Vista Higher Leaning (via Clever)- Textbook website (class work and assessments)
Quizlet-  You must join the class! everyone should have joined the class by now but if you have not, please contact me via email. 
FlipGrid (via clever)
Padlet- (via clever)
I will let you know if we use any additional apps


When can I make up a quiz/test that I missed?

It is your responsibility to reschedule/make up a quiz/test that you have missed.  RCS policy will apply.  If you have missed more than 1 week of school please email me and I will work with you.  It is your responsibility to request a PI pass.  Failure to make up a quiz/test will result in a zero until the assessment is made up.


Will there be LIVE ZOOM Meetings?

At this time, there will only be a LIVE ZOOM if your teacher is in quarantine and teleworking from home.  It will livestream to students who are in the classroom with a sub.  


Platforms you need to know:
Schoology- Agendas/activities/Projects/Assessments/Turn in assignments (view and turn in assignments)
Vista Higher Leaning (via Clever)- Textbook website (class work and assessments)
Quizlet-  You must join the class! everyone should have joined the class by now but if you have not, please contact me via email. 
FlipGrid (via clever)
Padlet- (via clever)
I will let you know if we use any additional apps