last week of school info

This is the last week for teachers to work on grades, and they will be finalized in Skyward on Friday, 5/22. Please contact me if you have submitted an assignment (for example, No Red Ink or in TEAMS) but have not asked me to check over the work. Otherwise, I will input the grade from Q3 into the Q4 spot Friday or earlier if I do not hear back from anyone. 
Thank you to all of you who faithfully submitted the optional assignments week after week. Shout out to 5th period for having the most assignments turned in!!
I want to encourage everyone to READ!!! Even if you "don't like reading", challenge yourself to pick a book and read it from front to back. Listen to the audio of it, if you can find it, if that helps you.
Don't forget to look at the Siegel home page for the Summer Reading selection and assignment for English III. 
I truly miss you all, and I hope you have a great summer. Don't forget to visit me whenever we get back to school!