Student of the Week Nominations

Student of the Week Nomination Criteria 


Each week, we will recognize a different student, from each grade level, based on her/his contributions to the school, excellence in the classroom, leadership abilities, citizenship, community involvement and a variety of other criteria. Students will be nominated and selected based on the following criteria: 


  1. Excellence in the Classroom - consistently advancing his/herself to higher levels of academic achievement. 
  2. Motivation/Improvement- having the ability to motivate and encourage his/herself or other students to advance past their expectations both academically and socially.  
    1. making a conscious effort to be better academically or socially.
    2. constantly motivates others through encouraging words or help.
  3. Leadership- serving as a leader not only in the classroom through encouragement, behavior, classroom example etc., but also throughout the school (encouraging).
  4. Creativity and Imagination- demonstrating creativity and imagination in the classroom that inspires students/teacher. 
  5. Overcoming Adversity- demonstrates a continued effort to overcome environmental situations and improves despite outcomes.

 Do you know a student who embodies these characteristics?


Click HERE to nominate a student for Student of the Week!